N - vertaling naar arabisch
Online Woordenboek

N - vertaling naar arabisch

N; N (character); N (letter); User:Ijai1205/Johor Student Leaders Council (JSLC); ASCII 78; ASCII 110; U+004E; U+006E; Letter N
  • Latin N
  • 20px
  • x30px
  • x35px
  • x30px
  • Proto-Sinaitic Nun
  • Proto-Caanite Nun

الحرف الرابع عشر من الابجدية الانكليزية شئ معتبر ثالث عشر او رابع عشر من حيث الترتيب او الطبقة شئ على صورة حرف N
‎ النظامي,رمز النِّتْروجين,النيوتن, رمز النَّانُو=10 قوة -9 النَّانُو‎


(a) Symbol for north pole or north-seeking pole of a magnet. (b) Symbol for the number of lines of force in a magnetic circuit.



N, or n, is the fourteenth letter in the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its name in English is en (pronounced ), plural ens.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor N
1. Keep shoot 'n. Keep shoot 'n.
2. C-A-N-N-E-S. Experts?
Happy Mutant Baby Pills _ Jerry Stahl _ Talks at Google
3. The flying. N-N-Not the men.
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
4. What's N?
Brainstorm - The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain _ Dan Siegel _ Talks at Google
5. N, neutral.
How Leaders Create a High Performance Culture _ Ian McClean _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor N
1. Republicans _ Barton, N; Brady, N; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, N; Culberson, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, N; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, N; Thornberry, N.
2. CALIFORNIA Democrats – Baca, N; Becerra, N; Berman, N; Capps, N; Cardoza, N; Costa, N; Davis, N; Eshoo, N; Farr, N; Filner, N; Harman, N; Honda, N; Lantos, N; Lee, N; Lofgren, Zoe, N; Matsui, N; Millender–McDonald, N; Miller, George, N; Napolitano, N; Pelosi, N; Roybal–Allard, N; SAnchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, N; Sherman, N; Solis, N; Stark, N; Tauscher, N; Thompson, N; Waters, N; Watson, N; Waxman, N; Woolsey, N.
3. CALIFORNIA Democrats – Baca, N; Becerra, N; Berman, N; Capps, N; Cardoza, N; Costa, N; Davis, N; Eshoo, N; Farr, N; Filner, N; Harman, N; Honda, N; Lantos, N; Lee, N; Lofgren, Zoe, N; Matsui, N; Millender–McDonald, N; Miller, George, N; Napolitano, N; Pelosi, N; Roybal–Allard, N; Sanchez, Linda T., N; Sanchez, Loretta, N; Schiff, N; Sherman, N; Solis, N; Stark, N; Tauscher, N; Thompson, N; Waters, N; Watson, N; Waxman, N; Woolsey, N.
4. Republicans – Barton, N; Brady, N; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, N; Culberson, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, N; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, N; Thornberry, N.
5. Republicans – Barton, N; Brady, N; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, N; Culberson, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, Y; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Paul, X; Poe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, N; Thornberry, N.